Reddit Goes Public! What You Need to Know Before Investing!

Reddit Goes Public! What You Need to Know Before Investing!

Known as the “front page of internet” Reddit fastens its seatbelts to become a publicly traded company on the US stock exchange. The company files paperwork for its initial public offering (IPO)

The fascinating thing about the internet icon’s IPO is that it’s not just for the big investors. Reddit plans to give its share to its loyal users, called “Redditors”. These are the people who spend a lot of time on posting content and moderating discussion on the app.

Reddit’s CEO, Steve Huffman, says the users feel a strong sense of ownership on the communities they’ve built on the app and Reddit wants to give back their ownership by making them shareholders in the company.

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The CEO also warns that if users start trading their shares frequently then it could lead to more ups and downs in the stock price.

Today, Reddit is 18 years old and has grown from a college hostel room to a huge online community. Where people can easily find like minded people which is often hard to find in real life. Over the years Reddit has faced many controversies and leadership changes, but it has also built a strong and loyal user base.

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Now, the company is on its way to make more money by going public. Although its last year revenue was $800 million through advertising and deals. With over 50 million daily users, Reddit seems to have a strong foundation for future growth.

As Reddit prepares to enter the Wall Streets, there are many optimistic predictions for its better future. But there are also questions about how Reddit will manage making fortune while keeping its users happy.

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